Posted by Shelly on 11/14/05 11:21
"julian maisano" <julianmaisanoXYZ@gmail.com> wrote in message
> As you'll see, I'm a beginner php guy...
> What i'm trying to achieve is:
> 1) List in AllProducts.php a set of products which are stored in a MySql
> table. Each product has a picture. Each picture actually is a link to a
> articulodetalle.php, where there will be greater pictures in, plus some
> detailed text.
> Code in AllProducts.php actually works fine:
> $query = "SELECT * FROM articulos";
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $i=0;
> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
> {
> if($i==$public_numero_de_items_por_fila){ //acα cambia de columna
> $i=0;
> echo "<TR><TH>"; } else {
> echo "<TH>";
> }
> $i+=1;
> //here I set up the link to detallearticulo.php *******
> echo '<a href="detallearticulo.php?id_articulo=' . $row['id_articulo'] .
> '">';
> echo '<img width="150" border="0" src="images/' . $row['id_articulo'] .
> '.jpg" >';
> echo '</a>';
> echo "<br>";
> echo "id_articulo :{$row['id_articulo']} <br>";
> echo "descripcion :{$row['descripcion']} <br>";
> echo "precio : {$row['precio']} <br><br>";
> }
> ***** an example of the the link created (in AllProducts.php )is:
> detallearticulo.php?id_articulo=xyz325
> The problem i'm having is that I've an empty variable value in
> detallearticulo.php
> $id_articulo (in detallearticulo.php)should have the variable value
> associated with the product (xyz325), but it's empty...
> What's happening?
> Any advice would be apreciated...
> sdos - jm
in detallearticulo.php do you have line like?
$id_articulo = $_GET['id_articulo'];
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