Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/31/07 10:48
Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>> Michael Fesser wrote:
>>> Doesn't matter here. 20 requests are 20 requests, but it makes a big
>>> difference if the server can deliver them statically as-is or if it has
>>> to invoke a script handler for every single image.
>> Not nearly as much as you claim.
> Why are you then claiming that calling a script for every page wastes "a
> hell of a lot" resources if it doesn't make much of a difference?
Because it's completely unnecessary. But you don't seem to understand
that part.
>>>> The script will already be in
>>>> memory (if nothing else, the OS cache will have it),
>>> Page-generating scripts can be cached as well, dependent on the
>>> configuration of the webserver and the PHP interpreter.
>> Sure they can. But they still have to be interpreted unnecessarily.
> Like an image-from-db script. If it can be done with static files as
> well, then calling the image script is unnecessary. Same thing.
But there are other reasons for delivering images from databases. There
are no good reasons for parsing every file as PHP.
>> This isn't part of the discussion.
> Of course it is. You were the one complaining about wasting resources
> when parsing HTML for PHP, but you don't see (or actually don't want to
> see) the wasted resources when delivering images from a DB.
No, you're just trying to change the topic. Your current argument isn't
succeeding, so you're desperately trying to find an argument you can
score points on. It's not going to work.
>> There are other reasons for
>> delivering images from the database.
> This isn't part of the discussion.
Oh, so now it's not part of the discussion? Make up your mind. Or is
it part of the discussion when you want to bring up a point, but not
when I do?
It's not part of the discussion - so forget about bringing it up.
>>> Depends on the server configuration I would say. SSI requires a parser/
>>> interpreter as well. And PHP running as a server module is quite fast.
>>> The work that has to be done by the parsers is quite the same - they
>>> just look for special directives in the HTML code.
>> You obviously don't understand how it works. The SSI parser is much
>> smaller and much faster than the PHP parser.
> Looking for <?php or <!--#foo in a string is pretty easy. Even the PHP
> parser doesn't have much to do in plain HTML.
> Micha
You really need to understand parsers more before you make such claims.
Searching for <?php or <!--$foo are not the only things parsers must do.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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