Posted by Bergamot on 08/01/07 14:15
SpaceGirl wrote:
> On Aug 1, 4:51 am, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
>> I don't use the web as a source of entertainment, and if I
>> can't read the text it's gonna be thumbs down no matter how it looks.
> Oh I agree (for you). Some of these things are audience specific, so,
> like with ANY design, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the
> audience the sites are aimed for and view with an open mind.
Believe it or not, I can do that. :) I've been to plenty of sites,
though, where I *should* be in the target audience but can't use it for
one reason or another.
> Just
> because YOU cannot read the site doesn't make it Bad necessarily. I
> bet you can't read a site that is written in Japanese. I can. Does
> that make the site bad?
Of course not. I'd have no expectation of being able to read their
content. I *do* have that expectation on English language sites.
>> "Passion" isn't a word I associate with web stuff much, except as it
>> relates to usability and accessibility. ;)
> How can you be passionate about those things, and not good design?
> Accessibility and Usability are nothing without Design.
"Good design" is in the eye of the beholder. Usability and accessibility
are a bit more straight forward, but you certainly can't have them
without good design.
There is more to design than just the looks, but it seems most web
designers don't consider that.
> It all comes
> under "user experience"; what experience do you want your user to have
> while they use your site?
I don't want them to have to fight with the design to get to the content. :)
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