Posted by SpaceGirl on 08/01/07 15:49
On Aug 1, 4:26 pm, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> > At this time most commercial sites are in a desperate race to try and
> > switch their content over to Flash
> Let me know when amazon, ebay, or any banking institutions make the switch.
> --
> Berg
Amazon have trialled some experiments, but I doubt we'll see a
commercial version in Flash. Hatter is falling victim of the opposite
end of the same problem I see with design for the web. Just because a
particular platform is good at one thing (in this case "rich" user
experiences), it does not mean you should then apply it to everything.
Flash is just one tool for creating the experience you want for your
users, not the answer to all prayers.
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