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Re: [PHP] skewed up images

Posted by Richard Davey on 10/21/70 11:21

Hello Ryan,

Saturday, July 16, 2005, 3:53:16 AM, you wrote:

RA> in the beginning if the height is more, then its resizing
RA> perfectly...but if the width is more I want to cut out 90pix from
RA> the middle of the pic...instead its giving me a skewed image as
RA> you can see from

RA> Any ideas? I know I screwed up somewhere in the function...but just cant
RA> figure it out...

If the width is greater than the height you're calling CR_make_crop
which has this line:

imagecopyresized ($new, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90,120,$width_orig2,$height_orig2);

The problem is that what you're effectively saying is:

Copy the entire original picture (0,0 to $width_orig2, $height_orig2)
into an area 90x120, and resize it when you do it.

That's not a crop :) That's a resize. You'd be better off with a
function like imagecopy() instead - once you have that 90x120 cropped
piece, then you can do whatever it is you wanted to do with it.

Best regards,

Richard Davey
-- - PHP Development Services
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