Posted by Joanne M. on 08/01/07 20:38
As you can probably tell from my query I am not a guru, just trying to
"gitter done". This query is for Dynamics GP. It is a select with left
outer and a union. Can someone help debug my syntax? Please? I'll
create a view out of it and use it in a crystal report.
SELECT openheader.custnmbr, openheader.custname,
openheader.DOCDATE, openheader.soptype, opendetail.itemnmbr,
openheader.frtamnt, opendetail.extdcost
FROM sop10100 as openheader
left outer join sop10200 as opendetail on sop10200.sopnumbe =
sop10100.sopnumbe and sop10200.soptype = sop10100.soptype
SELECT histheader.sopnumbe, histheader.soptype,
FROM sop30200 as histheader left outer join sop30300 as
histdetail on sop30300.sopnumbe = sop30200.sopnumbe
and sop30300.soptype = sop30200.soptype
where openheader.custnmbr = 'AARONFIT0001' or histheader.custnmbr =
Joanne M
Jacksonville, FL
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