Posted by SpaceGirl on 08/02/07 13:35
On Aug 2, 2:04 pm, Onideus Mad Hatter <use...@backwater-
productions.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 18:40:31 -0700, Travis Newbury
> <TravisNewb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >On Aug 1, 1:35 pm, Onideus Mad Hatter <use...@backwater-
> >productions.net> wrote:
> >> Considering they're a multi-billion dollar company with the largest
> >> number of retail stores in the world...yeah...it's a good match. The
> >> work I'm doing for them to bring their inventory control to the 21st
> >> century will make them even stronger...it'll also make me filthy
> >> stinkin rich since about half my paycheck is put directly into
> >> Wal*Mart stock. ^_^
> >Translation.... "Welcome to Walmart, I'll have to check your bag
> >ma'am..."
> I don't think they let young'uns like me be greeters. I did help
> bring in carts one day though...mostly cause the cart people
> just...didn't show up one day and then everything was kind of in a
> panic, so Justine and I went out there brought all the carts in. Bad
> thing is that it was like a 100 fuckin degrees outside in the blazing
> sun. Got a bit of a sun burn doing it, but otherwise it was okay,
> builds character and all like that. Most of you pasty fat assed
> cubical dwellers probably haven't done any REAL work since the fuckin
> Reagan administration. I pride myself on the fact that unlike so many
> of you bloated fatties I can actually WORK. I think I would kill
> myself if I ever became as pathetic as so many of you kids...you're
> the kind of fatties that we have those motorized carts for, cause yer
> just too damn fat and lazy to move around on your own two feet. `, )
My first two jobs;
Milk girl!!! I filled milk bottles and then helped deliver them -
yeah, I grew up on a dairy farm! That's Real Work! Skinny 14yo loading
crates of 16 pint bottles and delivering them at 5am :P
My second job (first IT related) while I was going though art school
was an admin girl at an insurance company... mostly answering help
desk phones and filling printers with paper. The good old days!
Hardly a glamorous start to my career, but it got me through college
without having to borrow money.
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