Posted by GTS on 08/03/07 15:58
"David Dorward" <dorward@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Aug 3, 4:20 pm, "GTS" <x...@y.net> wrote:
>> My client has an odd setup where his web site is hosted on an external
>> server but to enable access to it using his servers domain name/url a
>> frame
>> is used pointing to the IP address of the external server.
> Sounds like typical check-and-nasty frames based DNS hosting. He
> really should get proper hosting instead.
I agree and hope to change this in the futher. However, I need a fix for
the interim.
>> This works fine
>> for the top level (first link) with the HTML code below. However, a sub
>> page cannot be accessed directly this way. I'm looking for a way to get
>> the
>> full URL passed to the frame and putting it into a variable that I can
>> then
>> use with the src.
> Do you control the server that generates the frame source code? If so,
> fix the syntax errors (starting with the missing doctype), then
> dynamically generate the src attribute based on the URL of the page
> reqested.
Yes. I do now control the server. I appreciate the reply but advising me
to dynamically generate the src attribute doesn't help. That was my
question - How can I dynamically generate the src attribute based on the
URL of the page reqested? More specifically, how can I determine the full
> --
> David Dorward
> http://dorward.me.uk/
> http://blog.dorward.me.uk/
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