Posted by Neredbojias on 08/06/07 02:10
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 22:02:20
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> Well, at least that was one of the more equitable rejections I've
>> ever heard in my life.
> You see, that is what is so fascinating about your chaotically
> filthy mind: an inability to know what to edit, an acceptance of
> a threat to a ghastly murder as equity, and a laughable
> misconception about where you stand in relation to the attribute
> of flakiness. O... and by the way, I am not your type, I am not
> inflatable.
Ah, yes, a moment ago in newsgroup time it was "Oh, darling..." and now
it's this guff. And women wonder why men consider them unstable! You
didn't answer my question, either, which suggests a guilt complex of
Amazonian proportions.
Anyway, in regard to threats and murder, I am absolutely fearless. I
learned jew-jitsoo kabutzing with some buttheads in Tel Aviv, so it's
doubtful that anyone originating from such a naive country as Australia
could get the best of me. I don't like to brag, but even my thingy is
one of my lethal weapons, if you get the drift.
Stating that you're uninflatable implies that you can't get pregnant, and
so much the better. However, if I've misinterpreted the import of your
predilection, you could always try blowing me up. 'Wouldn't say a word.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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