Posted by Neredbojias on 08/06/07 07:46
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:32:36
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> Anyway, in regard to threats and murder, I am absolutely fearless. I
>> learned jew-jitsoo kabutzing with some buttheads in Tel Aviv, so it's
>> doubtful that anyone originating from such a naive country as
>> Australia could get the best of me.
> Please see what Harrison Ford did to that fearsome, wildly sword
> swishing Arab in Raiders of the Lost Ark. see the nonchalence
> with which this seemingly formidable foe was despatched.
Ahh, the "formidable foe" got paid thousands of dollars to take a fake
dive. I should croak so lucky.
>>I don't like to brag, but even my thingy is
>> one of my lethal weapons, if you get the drift.
>> Stating that you're uninflatable implies that you can't get pregnant,
>> and so much the better. However, if I've misinterpreted the import
>> of your predilection, you could always try blowing me up. 'Wouldn't
>> say a word.
> Look Boji, it is simple enough. If you had the power to see
> through anything above your pants, you would notice that my
> reactions to you are always based on your behaviour. Do you
> really suppose that I am going to be all goodness and sweetness
> when you make disgusting and public advances towards me in the
> crudest possible manner. If you are going to make (even very
> misguided advances) towards the woman in me, then at the very
> least, sorry if this is too yuppy for you, you should see how
> Elizabeth reacted to Mr Darcy's first proposal of marriage in
> Pride and Prejudice.
> When you are nice, my heart warms towards you and I say nice
> sweet things back. I phrase things here in order to maximise the
> possibility of Travis retching his guts out at such
> sentimentality. I like to see Republicans suffer badly.
> Be nice and stop keeping bad company. Perhaps you are basically a
> decent boy. Perhaps it is the bad company you keep
> Or swim with.
Gosh, it's hard to argue with such a logically-presented argument as
that. And you're right. It's all Blinky's fault. He's a bad influence.
Duende, too. Not to mention that I picked up a few nasty traits from
Jukka, as well. There are others whose names I hesitate to mention
because they would probably yell at me. Ain't seen "Pride and
Prejudice", but to cite another girlie flick, as Jack Nicklaus said to
Holly Hunter in "As Good As It Got", 'You just make me want to stop being
a ham.'
On the other side of the bucket, I've probably been a wee bit overzealous
in pointing out your boo boos here, so in future I will endeavor to point
elsewhere. This, of course, is predicated on the assumption that you
refrain from belaboring my boo boos, also, no matter how few and far-
between they may be. I suppose we can agree on this; neither men nor
women really like to have their boo boos pointed out, unless, naturally,
there is a point to such pointedness which satifies both the appointing
party and the appointed party in a non-pointless manner.
Now that we have all that worked out, Happy Kangaroo Day!.
PS: I really don't know when Kangaroo Day is but I thought I'd get a
"jump start". :)
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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