Posted by Wouter on 08/06/07 13:28
First save the image, then call it, or call this script thruoogh another
(wich contains the html/php)
On 06-08-2007 14:56, in article yREti.21321$j7.381704@news.indigo.ie,
"gerrymcc@indigo.ie" <gerrymcc@indigo.ie> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've managed to get as far as using some of the GD2 drawing functions
> included in the php_gd2.dll. I can't figure out how to put HTML and
> PHP output on the same browser page, no doubt this has something to
> do with the header; any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Gerard
> <?php
> header ("Content-type: image/png");
> $t = imagecreate(400,150); // create a blank canvas
> $c = imagecolorallocate($t,0,255,0); // set color for the first
> thing
> imagefilledrectangle($t,10,10,50,50,$c); // draw a rectange
> $c = imagecolorallocate($t,215,20,20); // set color for the next
> imagefilledellipse($t,50,50,75,75,$c); // draw an ellipse
> $w = "it's not easy to learn this stuff!";
> $c = imagecolorallocate($t,50,50,150);
> imagestring($t,4,100,70,$w,$c);
> imagepng($t); // output the image
> imagedestroy($t); // clear memory, but not the browser
> echo "<pre>";
> var_dump(gd_info());
> echo "</pre>";
> ?>
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