Posted by Chris F.A. Johnson on 08/06/07 21:02
On 2007-08-06, mjones wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2:47 pm, John Hosking <J...@DELETE.Hosking.name.INVALID>
> wrote:
>> Beauregard tends to travel unencumbered by JavaScript. With my JS turned
>> off I see vast tracts of empty space on (the default pages of) both the
>> sites mentioned. Doesn't matter what browser.
> Our user stats show 0.39% with Java disabled and 0.77% with JavaScript
> disabled. I guess we're okay then.
No, it means that a lot of people don't bother returning to your
Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfaj.freeshell.org>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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