Posted by David Mark on 08/07/07 11:59
On Aug 7, 5:48 am, Dylan Parry <use...@dylanparry.com> wrote:
> David Mark wrote:
> > Right at the top. Then comes the H1. Logos and the like that often
> > appear at the very top are below the content in my scheme as well.
> Do you have an example of a site you've built in this way? I'm
Yes, but it isn't public yet.
> interested to see how you've laid out both the visual appearance of such
The particular site I am testing now looks much like any other site in
a PC browser with CSS enabled. It has an elastic two column
(navigation and content) layout, a logo and login link at the top,
legalities at the bottom. On (most) handhelds it looks radically
different. There is only one column, the navigation is below the
content, the "Skip navigation" link appears at the top, the login link
is at the bottom, etc. The handheld rules simply override positioning
and display for certain elements, which covers devices that don't
respect the mutual exclusivity of media-specific style sheets (eg
interpret both screen and handheld types.)
As for sound, I did recently add an aural style sheet, but have found
that most screen readers pay little attention to it. Opera's voice
feature respected some of the simpler rules.
> a site as well as the code behind the page.
Underneath the stylings are simple semantic documents, which are
friendly to text-only browsers, screen readers, search engines, etc.
The markup is very simple when compared to the average fixed-width,
tables-in-tables-with-spacers site. It's lighter too, which helps out
with handheld support as some services reject any page over 10K.
None of these techniques are new or particularly complex, but I too
had a hard time finding sites that used them. As I recall, Opera had
some good demonstrations on their site.
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