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Mail from PHP

Posted by Ruud on 08/07/07 12:34

Just before leaving for a holiday my collegue modified this script.
Now it won't send any body text (The data filled in on the form) and
in an error condition it won't send any attachments either.

Because I don't understand PHP I cannot find the error. Who is willing
to help?

regards Ruud

Current PHP script:


$emailadres_reacties = "";
$emailadres_logbestanden = "";

* Class mime_mail

class mime_mail
var $parts;
var $to;
var $from;
var $headers;
var $subject;
var $body;

* void mime_mail()
* class constructor
function mime_mail()
$this->parts = array();
$this->to = "";
$this->from = "";
$this->subject = "Test";
$this->body = "Body tekst";
$this->headers = "";

* void add_attachment(string message, [string name], [string
* Add an attachment to the mail object
function add_attachment($message, $name = "", $ctype =
$this->parts[] = array (
"ctype" => $ctype,
"message" => $message,
"encode" => $encode,
"name" => $name

* void build_message(array part=
* Build message parts of an multipart mail
function build_message($part)
$message = $part[ "message"];
$message = chunk_split(base64_encode($message));
$encoding = "base64";
return "Content-Type: ".$part[ "ctype"].
($part[ "name"]? "; name = \"".$part[ "name"]. "\"" : "").
"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\n\n$message\n";

* void build_multipart()
* Build a multipart mail
function build_multipart()
$boundary = "b".md5(uniqid(time()));
$multipart = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary = $boundary\n
\nThis is a MIME
encoded message.\n\n--$boundary";

for($i = sizeof($this->parts)-1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$multipart .= "\n".$this->build_message($this->parts[$i]). "--
return $multipart.= "--\n";

* void send()
* Send the mail (last class-function to be called)
function send()
$mime = "";
if (!empty($this->from))
$mime .= "From: ".$this->from. "\n";
if (!empty($this->headers))
$mime .= $this->headers. "\n";

if (!empty($this->body))
$this->add_attachment($this->body, "", "text/plain");
$mime .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$this->build_multipart();
mail($this->to, $this->subject, "", $mime);
}; // end of class

// begin sessie

// tel aantal variabelen
$numElements = count($_POST);

$mail = new mime_mail();

$mail->from = "";
$mail->from = "";

$mail->headers = "Errors-To:";
$mail->to = $emailadres_reacties;

$mail->subject = "aanmelding via sterktemeter";
$tmp = array_reverse($_POST);
$tmp = array_slice($tmp,15);
$_POST = array_reverse($tmp);
$_POST = array_reverse($_POST);

$werknemer = array_slice($_POST, 0, 8);
$werkgever = array_slice($_POST, 8, 8);
$aanmelding = array_slice($_POST, 16, 1);
$arbo = array_slice($_POST, 17, 9);
$factuur = array_slice($_POST, 26, 7);

$mail->body = $mail->body."\n\n".implode("\n", $werknemer);
$mail->body = $mail->body."\n\n".implode("\n", $werkgever);
$mail->body = $mail->body."\n\n".implode("\n", $aanmelding);
$mail->body = $mail->body."\n\n".implode("\n", $rabo);
$mail->body = $mail->body."\n\n".implode("\n", $factuur);


$mail = new mime_mail();
$mail->from = "";
$mail->headers = "Errors-To:";
$mail->to = $emailadres_logbestanden;
$mail->subject = "logbestand sterktemeter";
$mail->body = "- logbestanden van de sterktemeter in bijgesloten XML
bestand -";

//verwerk ontvangen variabelen van Flash tot XML bestand
$data = $data."<UNIEKE_ID>".$subject.Session_ID()."</UNIEKE_ID>
$data = $data."<IP_ADRES>".$REMOTE_ADDR."</IP_ADRES>\n";
$data = $data."<DATUM>".date("d/m/Y")."</DATUM>\n";
$data = $data."<TIJD>".date("H:m")."</TIJD>\n";
$data = $data.implode("\n", $_POST);

// maak een xml file met als bestandsnaam de sessie_id
$file = $subject.Session_ID().".xml";

if (!$file_handle = fopen($file,"w")) { echo "Cannot open
file"; }
if (!fwrite($file_handle, $data)) { echo "Cannot write to
file"; }

// plaats attachment in variabele: $attachment
$attachment = fread(fopen($file, "r"), filesize($file));
$mail->add_attachment("$attachment", "rmlog.xml", "txt/xml");


// verwijder XML bestand van server





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