Posted by Neredbojias on 08/09/07 10:04
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:51:53
GMT dorayme scribed:
> In article
> <Xns9986EFFD1381Cnanopandaneredbojias@>,
> Neredbojias <monstersquasher@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> GMT dorayme scribed:
>> > Stop making ignorant comments about this country, preferably
>> > about anything for a while.
>> >
>> > Take a break while you organise that sample I have been asking
>> > you for.
>> Ignorant comments? Listen here, dearie, ...
> So I tell a feller to look at what he _has_ earned per hour and
> charge that if he _must_ charge an hourly rate and you assert
> that this would be so confusing to the OP that it must be
> explained by you in terms of Australia. You are a schmuck and you
> have been told before to be nice and you will see the response
> accordingly. You cannot compute this for the simple reason that
> there is something in your brain that needs fixing and I can help
> you if you send the little bit between the ears for me to examine
> and experiment on. Trust me, you will not miss it, no one will
> notice any difference. But when I get it back to you, you will be
> laughing. (That is an Australian expression, meaning you will be
> right, happy, good to go).
I wonder why we argue so much. Perhaps we are a lot alike...
> I would have thought that you would restrain yourself after your
> last public disgusting overtures to me, you pig.
Suey!!! Ha ha! Sorry, ma, but I'm a stallion, not a pig, although I am
glad you said that 'cause it reminded me I haven't had chop suey in a
long time and I want some. Just for the record, there were no vertures,
there was merely one hypothetical question. I was just trying to find
out if you were stable enough to know what the expression meant.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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