Posted by Dan Guzman on 08/10/07 12:36
> but now i want to save the changes in the table (after making
> modifications in the dgv)
> i use : dta.update(dt)
> but that don't work !!!!!!
You need to set the SqlDataAdapter.UpdateCommand property. The UPDATE
command (as well as INSERT and DELETE) can be auto-generated if primary key
information can be derived from the SelectCommand and you use a
SqlCommandBuilder. See the VS documentation for details and examples.
Also, I suggest you consider using stored procedures for data access and
modification. Procs are more secure and promote execution plan re-use.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Omar Abid" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm using the following code to open a data base and show it's content
> in a Data Grid View
> ----
> Code
> -----
> Imports System.Data.SqlClient
> Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
> Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data
> Source=./wideserver;Path="c:/cct.mdf";User
> Id=username;Password=Password;")
> Using (conn)
> conn.Open()
> Dim com As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
> Using (com)
> com.CommandType = CommandType.Text
> com.CommandText = "Select * From users"
> Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(com)
> Using (da)
> Dim dt As New DataTable("usertable")
> Using (dt)
> da.Fill(dt)
> Dim dgv As New DataGridView()
> dgv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
> dgv.DataSource = dt
> Me.Controls.Add(dgv)
> End Using
> End Using
> End Using
> End Using
> End Sub
> -----
> end code
> -----
> The following code allow me to see the table data in a Data Grid View
> but now i want to save the changes in the table (after making
> modifications in the dgv)
> i use : dta.update(dt)
> but that don't work !!!!!!
> Any Help and thanks a lot
> Omar Abid
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