Posted by Rob Waaijenberg on 08/11/07 10:00
Neredbojias schreef:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:35:13
> GMT Bear Bottoms scribed:
>>> The point isn't whether CSE is useful, the point is that Albert is
>>> calling
>>> it a validator, when it's not.
>>> sherm--
>> Sorry, but I think that certainly is a snotty nosed reason to trash
>> software authors. If his program validates the code on my website,
>> then his software is a validator in my book. Grey Poupon anyone?
> I know nothing about CSE, and believe I have no pre-judgmental attitudes
> regarding it, pro or con. But s'pose you have 2 different web pages. Cse
> says the first is 100% valid and the w3c validator says the second is 100%
> valid. Which opinion can one have more faith in?
2 different web pages doesn't mean that one of them is not valid.
If CSE 'validates' the first, that doesn't mean the second is faulty.
Likewise if W3C validates the second, that doesn't mean the first is faulty.
You probably could come up with something better to make your point.
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