Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/11/07 14:02
apasj06 wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> I am wondering if there is a way to use different suject line for
> different recipients.
> I am using PHP mail function to send out email which confirm account
> registration.
> Email will be send to students who registered an account, the lab
> assistant will also get an
> email contain the same account registration information.
> I want use different subject line for student and lab assistant.
> Would it be possible to achieve this by using one mail function?
> Please give me some advises.
> If you know some online resource discuss this topic please let me
> know. Thanks for your help!
> PHP code I used for mail function.
<code snipped>
Well, I don't see where you're actually calling the PHP mail function,
but from you code I guess $subject is the subject of your message.
If you're sending the message to the student and CC'ing, BCC'ing, etc.,
the lab assistant, then no - both will get the same message.
Now if you're sending two messages, you can do it easily. You just need
to change $subject before you send the message to the lab assistant.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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