Posted by Bear Bottoms on 08/12/07 16:26
On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:12:46 -0500, Ben C <spamspam@spam.eggs> wrote:
> On 2007-08-12, Albert Wiersch <nospam@nospam.nospam> wrote:
>> "Bear Bottoms" <bearbottoms1@gmai.com> wrote in message
>> news:op.twx121b2jo4m88@bwwlxc1...
>>> I've learned enough to do what I want to do. If I were going to make
>>> this
>>> my living and create many sites, I would learn more...faster. I am
>>> learning more every day the fun way. To put down CSE in such a way
>>> when I
>>> as a novice to these methods easily determined it is a better tool than
>>> W3C makes me very suspicious of your agenda.
>> And you should be very suspicous of Ben's agenda!
> What's my agenda? I'm not the one trying to sell software here.
You are trying to trash a very good program that was generously offered
free for one day on GOTD. The offer will probably come around again in the
future. I have first hand experience with this program and used to use W3C
to validate my website until I was able to obtain CSE in the free
giveaway. It is hands down better than the online W3C validation, so why
would you trash the program simply on what appears to be a difference of
opinions on a technicality of definitions which is a minor issue.
Considering the potential harm that you could cause such a nice program
over a silly technical definition disagreement simply doesn't balance
equally on the face of it, therefore you must have some agenda to do such.
You tell us why you completely trash a good program over such a minor
disagreement. And no, I have seen much of your argument and see nothing
dishonest about what is being said about the offered program features. It
does what it says it does more comprehensively and better than the W3C
Bear Bottoms
Freeware website http://bearbottoms1.com
ACF freeware: http://freeware.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
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