Posted by Neredbojias on 08/13/07 00:21
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 19:17:18
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> >> > You have not seen Groundhog Day?
>> >>
>> >> Yep.
>> >
>> > I still have no idea if you have seen the film?
>> >
>> > Here are the two possible interpretations:
>> >
>> > (1) Yep, you have seen it.
>> >
>> > (2) Yep, the statement, "You have not seen it" is true
>> Er, sorry, I thought you were asking if I had seen Groundhog Day the
>> day. Thought it was a little peculiar.
> I was asking you that. What do you now suppose I was asking you?
> Whether Daffy Duck was your uncle? Geez! (to use your favourite
> expression).
Geesh, woman! ...Groundhog Day - THE DAY! _Not_ the movie but the day
itself which is Groundhog Day. Ergo, I thought you were asking me if I
had seen THE DAY in order to be short or flippant or cutsie, or God knows
> What the was peculiar about it?
The peculiarity was in you asking me if I had seen THE DAY. Of course,
since you were really asking me if I had seen the movie, this might have
seemed peculiar to you. However, since you appear to read on a level
about par with Jukka's diplomacy, I'll bet a lot of things seem peculiar
to you...
> The film story is about the only
> thing I ever associate with "groundhog". For me, it pretty well
> means endless repetition of life. But just a minute! Are you
> implying that I am peculiar in some way? Now hang on there
> Boji... <g>
Well, pork sausage makes me think of groundhog in a way...
Btw, "geez" _isn't_ my favourite word. Under an American auspices, it's
still not my favorite word.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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