Posted by Bernhard Sturm on 08/13/07 08:11
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Scripsit Corn Flakes:
>>>> I was trying to make a tag-cloud page
>>> Why? Web pages are supposed to be useable, not puzzles.
>> I don't want to argue why tags or tag-clouds are useful.
> Nobody asked you to.
> You posted to a public discussion forum. I explained why your idea is
> wrong. That's how discussions go.
With all respect Yukka, you didn't explain or discussed why tag-clouds
are wrong. You said that web-pages are supposed to be useable, which is
true, but a tag-cloud can help to make a web-site very useable. So
tag-clouds are very helpful to access the content on a web-site. Please
note the difference between a page and a site, and the OP is using a
tag-cloud in a similar manner as a sitemap: as an element belonging to
the metanavigation. This has nothing to do with the webpages being
'puzzles' as you argued.
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