Posted by otto on 08/13/07 17:05
On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:30:00 -0700, "R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah" <ng4rrjanbiah@rediffmail.com> wrote:
Many thanks for your help.
> there are plenty of examples in Delphi that
>you can get by googling.
Have you a link to a good sample that you are using ?
One that I can start with a batch job.
>On Aug 13, 3:36 pm, otto <oha...@freesurf.ch> wrote:
>> I have a wecam where I can send per FTP every x minute a picture to a directory.
>> Files look like this : vi...@20070811093424.jpg
>> I like once a day encode the all pictures in a Flash video.
>> After some search on the web I found that could be possible with "FFmpeg" or/and "mencoder".
>> Did somebody have a good PHP sample or web link to do that ?
> http://www.google.com/search?q=php+ffmpeg
> But, yours is no good solution. You should provide a desktop
>application that can encode the files into flv and then upload it via
>ftp or HTTP (SOAP). AFAIK, there are plenty of examples in Delphi that
>you can get by googling.
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