Posted by anonymous on 08/13/07 20:31
On Aug 13, 3:29 pm, jdbartlett <cont...@jdbartlett.com> wrote:
> On Aug 13, 3:23 pm, rebecca...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Usually, I log into phpMyAdmin to export the entire SQL DB. Is there
> > any separate PHP code way to do this without logging in there?
> You could call mysqldump from the command line. If you have a large
> database to export, you may want to compress it, too. Assuming you
> use Linux, the command will look something like this:
> mysqldump --compact --compress -uYOURUSERNAME -pYOURPASSWORD
So, there is no way via <? php code ?> to sign-in, export?
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