Posted by Neredbojias on 08/14/07 09:15
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 08:05:02
GMT rf scribed:
>>> (I don't expect a person claiming "Corn Flakes" to be his or her
>>> full name to be _able_ to argue.)
>> Perhaps you should let the lad vent. The last thing we need is
>> another cereal killer.
> <groan/>
<he he/>
> And I was going to say that lots of good stuff [1] comes out of
> cornflake packets.
Yeah. Probably dorayme, fer instance...
> You _must_ search the tag cloud for one that leads to a 404 (anything
> past the first page). They *demand* your email address before they let
> you tell them about it. Don't they ever look at error.log? :-)
> [1] HTML degrees, drezigner licences, tag clouds, ...
Do you realize that I have absolutely no idea what a "tag cloud" is?
Somebody was talking about a "cron job" the other day, too, and -phffft!
But ignorance is bliss, -at least in the sense that I hardly need any more
things to cause me aggravation.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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