Posted by Harlan Messinger on 08/14/07 19:32
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Scripsit Corn Flakes:
>>>> I was trying to make a tag-cloud page
>>> Why? Web pages are supposed to be useable, not puzzles.
>> I don't want to argue why tags or tag-clouds are useful.
> Nobody asked you to.
> You posted to a public discussion forum. I explained why your idea is
> wrong.
Actually, you didn't. You made the general observation that web pages
are supposed to be usable (to the OP--Jukka wrote "usable", not
"useful"), implying that tag clouds aren't but without explaining why.
I gather, though, that you also do think they aren't useful I'm curious
why you feel this use of compact visual cues is neither useful nor usable.
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