Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 08/14/07 19:54
Scripsit Jonathan N. Little:
> Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>> The CSS counterpart to cellspacing="2" is border-spacing: 2px, but
>> this isn't supported by IE.
> Sure? Seem to work for me MSIE6 on Win2K
Strange. I tested (with your test document) both on MSIE 6 on Win98 and on
MSIE 7 on Win XP, and it completely ignores the border-spacing property.
Besides, the property is not mention in Microsoft's documentation, which
appears to be generally exhaustive regarding to CSS support in IE:
> Change border-spacing to 5px and cellspacing to 5 and MSIE
> accommodates just fine.
When I test it, the table without cellspacing attribute (with border-spacing
set in CSS) keeps the default cellspacing of 2 pixels, no matter what I set
for border-spacing.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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