Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/15/07 12:19
shror wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2:58 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> shror wrote:
>>> also the mail() I used here it is:
>>> <?php
>>> $FirstName = $_POST["FirstName"];
>>> $FamilyName = $_POST["FamilyName"];
>>> $name = "Full Name: " . $FirstName $FamilyName;
>>> $Address = $_POST["Address"];
>>> $Email = $_POST["Email"];
>>> $Phone = $_POST["Phone"];
>>> $City = $_POST["City"];
>>> $Zipcode = $_POST=["Zipcode"];
>>> $Otherdata = $_POST["Otherdata"];
>>> $data = "Address: " . $Address . "E-mail: " . $Email \n . "Phone: " .
>>> $Phone \n . "City: " . $City \n . "Zip code: " . $Zipcode \n . "Other
>>> Data: " . $Otherdata;
>>> $Adults = $_POST["Adults"];
>>> $Children = $_POST["Children"];
>>> $Infants = $_POST["Infants"];
>>> $persons = "Adults: " . $Adults \n . "Children: " . $Children \n .
>>> "Infants: " . $Infants \n;
>>> $Arrdate = $_POST["Arrivaldate"];
>>> $Depdate = $_POST["Departuredate"];
>>> $Arrflight = $_POST["ArrivalFlight"];
>>> $Depflight = $_POST["DepartureFlight"];
>>> $time ="Arrival date: " . $Arrdate \n . "Departure date: " . $Depdate
>>> \n . "Arrival Flight: " . $Arrflight \n . "Departure flight: " .
>>> $Depflight \n;
>>> $Singleroom = $_POST["Singleroom"'];
>>> $Doubleroom = $_POST["Doubleroom"];
>>> $Trebleroom = $_POST["Trebleroom"];
>>> $MoreComments = $_POST["MoreComments"];
>>> $needs ="Number of Single room(s): " . $Singleroom \n . "Number of
>>> double room(s): " . $Doubleroom \n . "Number of tribleroom(s): " .
>>> $Trebleroom;
>>> $to = "me @ mydomain";
>>> $from ="$Email";
>>> $subject = "BeachTours Booking Form";
>>> $message = "You recieved a new message from your website, \n its
>>> details are as follows:\n\n $name \n $data \n\n $persons \n\n $time\n
>>> \n $needs \n"
>>> mail("$to","$subject","$message","$from\r\n" . "Reply-To: $from\r\n" .
>>> "X-Mailer:www.BeachToursEgypt.com");
>>> ?>
>> $name = "Full Name: " . $FirstName . $FamilyName;
>> Missing ^
>> $to = "me @ mydomain";
>> ^ ^ Remove spaces
>> There may be other errors - these I spotted right off the top.
>> Also, this form is insecure and can be use by spammers by header
>> injection. Always validate any information from the user!
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> the problem is not in my php code but its that the script is not
> executed and the php source is visible in my page and i dont know why
> because other pages on the same place with this page are executed
> correctly
Does the file have a .php extension?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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