Posted by El Kabong on 08/17/07 03:26
"asdf" <asdf@asdf.com> wrote in message
>> Use the technology(s) that brings you the most business. It is a
>> simple concept that seems to elude many people here.
> Hurrah, at last. Well said.
I agree wholeheartedly, even if the site is not about commerce. The
designer's client is the Web site owner, which may very well be himself.
Regardless, the site should please the owner. This is not to say that the
designer doesn't have an obligation to offer solid, practical advice
regarding design but, in the end, it's the owner who has to be happy.
Could he be wrong and his decisions cause him to actually lose sales, (or
visitors if the site is not about commerce?) Of course. The wonderful thing
about free market democracy is we all have the right to fail miserably,
utterly and totally... then get up and try again.
So if Flash trips the owner's trigger, he should have it, and who knows,
maybe he knows *his* clientele better than the designer knows them. It's
win-win for the designer because, he might get more work getting rid of the
Flash later on.
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