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Re: Execute and kill a process

Posted by Iv�n S�nchez Ortega on 08/16/07 23:47

Fabio wrote:

>> Use pnctl_fork() and his friends. You'll get the PID of the process, and
>> you'll be able to kill it based on that.
> I already looked at this, but I don't understand how to use it in the way
> I need.

It's just a wrapper to the POSIX fork() system call... Any course about
concurrent programming teaches about forking a process. I suggest you to go
back to the books.

> PCNTL functions are also not supported by non-Unix platforms (Windows) and
> I read somewhere that has some problem with Apache...
> Something else?

Invoke the CreateProcess() w32 API call.

Iván Sánchez Ortega -ivansanchez-algarroba-escomposlinux-punto-org- ; ;



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