Posted by teddysnips on 08/17/07 17:54
On Aug 17, 2:50 pm, Alex Kuznetsov <AK_TIREDOFS...@hotmail.COM> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 4:18 am, teddysn...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > And here's another thing that's gives me pause for thought (for other
> > information see the thread entitled "ODBC Timeout problems but very
> > hard to pin down")
> > In APP 1 (Access front end, SQL Server 2000 backend) there is an
> > operation to generate a discrepancy report. These are numbered
> > sequentially, and this uses an Identity column with a seed and
> > increment of 1. These reports are added approximately once a week.
> > This week the value of the Identity column has jumped from 5,399 to
> > 8,420. I need hardly add that no-one has added just over 3,000
> > reports in the interim.
> > Can this be related to the bizarre behaviour as reported in the other
> > thread?
> > Thanks
> > Edward
> Edward,
> You could use profiler to trace what's going on.
Thanks, Alex. Unfortunately it's already gone on. The user can now
add records, but there's a gap of 3,000 missing records. Fortunately,
it doesn't matter - the number is simply used to identify the record,
and it is guaranteed (by virtue of being an Identity column) to be
unique. I just can't imagine where the other 3,000 rows have gone.
Well, I know there *aren't* 3,000 missing rows - there are no missing
rows, just a gap in the numbering.
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