Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/19/07 13:33
Shelly wrote:
> "Rik" <luiheidsgoeroe@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:op.tw7o9owuqnv3q9@metallium...
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 18:14:03 +0200, Shelly
> <sheldonlg.news@asap-consult.com> wrote:
>> "Rik" <luiheidsgoeroe@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:op.tw7mbyxuqnv3q9@metallium...
>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:13:19 +0200, Shelly
>> <sheldonlg.news@asap-consult.com> wrote:
>>> I have an include file for the connection information to the server. It
>>> is
>>> like this:
>>> $dbCon = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $dbUsername, $dbPassword) or
>>> die(mysql_error());
>>> mysql_select_db($database, $dbCon);
>>> In my main file I have right near the top:
>>> require_once("dbLogin.php");
>>> I then have lines in a function where I pass in $sbCon as $con (The
>>> quotes
>>> are single-double for the fist one and double-single-double for the
>>> second
>>> one):
>>> $q = "SELECT * FROM Company WHERE accountNumber='" . $num . "'";
>>> $res = mysql_query($q, $con) or die(mysql_error());
>> $con <> $dbCon
>> ====> My typo threw you off. I pass in $dbCon as $con, so I use $con.
>> When the code is inline it works.
> OK
>>> This gives me an invalid resource at the mysql_query line.
>>> HOWEVER, If I comment out the require_once line and copy and paste the
>>> code
>>> for it directly into the calling module, it works fine. Note that this
>>> was
>>> a strict cut and paste and the only keyboard strokes that I did were the
>>> the
>>> slashes to comment out the require_once.
>> Hmmmz, I think the fault is elsewhere.
>> ===> No, the ONLY change between working and non-working versions is that
>> I
>> paste the lines on code in for the working version and use a require_once
>> in
>> the non-working version.
> Then I guess it's a scope issue: $dbCon is not in scope in the function
> where you pass it on as $con (or in the 'calling module' as you call it),
> so it will be NULL. (Enable error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); to get a
> notice at that point). Either because it's called out of scope, or because
> is has been required earlier in the code, so it will not be required()
> again (hence the _once). Require_once is good for class definitions,
> defines, and functions, not for variables or resources. You could do
> something like this in the dbLogin.php:
> global $dbCon;
> if(!is_resource($dbCon)){
> //connect to db
> }
> And then just require(), not require_once().
> If that's not the case either, care to give the actual files (without
> passwords. etc offcourse) instead of snippets?
> I guess I am not making myself clear to you Rik. Let me try again.
> In the calling file I have a function into which I pass $dbCon as
$con. I
> then make my database calls. There are two cases.
> Case 1: At the beginning of the module I have a
> The contents of dbLogin.php are:
> <?php
> $hostname= "the_server_location";
> $database = "the_database_name";
> $dbUsername = "the_username";
> $dbPassword = "the_password";
> $dbCon = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $dbUsername, $dbPassword) or
> die(mysql_error());
> ?>
> This gives me the error of invalid resource.
> Case 2: At the beginning of the module I paste in the contents of
> dbLogin.php and comment out the require_once statement. (The
contents are
> the lines from $hostname to $dbCon).
> This works.
> Both of these use a call to a function in the module, so it can't be a
> matter of scope. It is simply the difference between including the
> inline or including it via a named file.
> Shelly
(Top posting fixed)
Are you sure you don't have two files named dblogin.php on your system?
Perhaps you're picking up the wrong one?
Otherwise, I agree with Rik - please paste the entire code from both
files so we can get a better idea what's going on. Because the way you
explain it shouldn't occur, so there's obviously some important point
P.S. Please don't top post. Thanks.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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