Posted by Morlaath on 08/20/07 00:43
> Tough to say since you haven't shown us the code for verifyUser() or
> the code on your index page.
I honestly don't think I need to paste all that code here or anywhere
else to really explain what I am trying to do.
login page posts to loginCheck.php
loginCheck connects to the database etc, performs query, gets result
set stored in $row, verifies that the user/pass is good. All that
works just fine. If the user/pass is good then I call the following
function setSession($user, $id) {
$_SESSION['username'] = $user;
$_SESSION['uid'] = $id;
$_SESSION['logged'] = true;
Once this is done the db connection is closed and 0 or -1 is
then the code I posted above is executed.
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