Posted by William Gill on 08/20/07 22:00
Bergamot wrote:
> Travis Newbury wrote:
>> MTV.com went from an HTML site to an all flash site
>> But after watching the site for a while, they notices a
>> decrease in visitors and revenue from the site. So they went back to
>> a HTML site with some heavy usage of Flash where it was most
>> appropriate.
> I would have expected a different outcome from a site in the
> entertainment industry. Very interesting.
The operative phrase here is "all flash site." What impact on search
engines? What percent of the potential visitors have slow connections
(or short attention spans) and don't wait for the show to load. The key
is trying to strike a balance.
How often do you read here about "graceful degradation?" If the site
depends on javascript or flash, it's audience is limited by some
percentage. If however a site can be enjoyed by all, but those with the
additional technology get a bonus, that's good.
I frequently advise against large high-res graphics, but if a client is
in the art business large graphics files may be appropriate. More
importantly, if a visitor knows that to get a quality picture of the new
Harley-Davidson they have to be patient, they will. IMHO it's when the
designer tries to force feed javascript, flash or really big images that
visitors bail.
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