Posted by Neredbojias on 08/21/07 04:23
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 21:15:31
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> >> Bottom line it is all a numbers game.
>> >
>> > Bottom line is that all this crap is without human worth, thought
>> > or moral spirit.
>> I've been in those moods; luckily, they pass. <g>
> Don't let them pass completely, that would be very bad luck.
I don't like to be pessimistic.
>> Travis is right in saying that a Flash site _can_ be good,
> No one but the most soul-less schmuck can fail to agree with such
> a thing. Are we forever to be into motherhood statements on this?
> What the hell is up with Travis that he keeps saying all his
> obvious crap and can miss heart and soul and spirit.
Perhaps he's a Trekky attuned to the Vulcan mystique.
> Is there a plan here? Is all this meant to make people react
> turning to God? I at least will keep my head and refuse to go to
> extremes. I think the middle ground is the right ground, about
> half way between Travis and God. I really would hate to be any
> closer to either. In the middle is the sweet spot, with hells on
> either side.
Average is good. The trouble is one can't get fanatical over it without
loosing that very characteristic.
One day we'll all be as close to God as we can get. It may not be
permanent, but I intend to use whatever time I have to tell Him just
exactly how badly he screwed up down here, so don't worry.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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