Posted by Neredbojias on 08/22/07 01:08
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 22:23:33 GMT
dorayme scribed:
>> dorayme... is a repeat-offender.
> I have been very restrained in language, perhaps you are judging
> by one rude word I could not resist in your personal website blog
> (which I distractedly did not pay attention to, vaguely thinking
> it was a test and you would vet it all). But, you f#Ά&^!!
> b%3@!!*, you let me hang out to dry in public and now everyone
> knows my low class.
> Apparently some very famous and good public figures are truly
> foul mouthed in private.
I suppose the definitive example is "Tricky Dick". His prodigal tapes
really opened the public eye to "high class invective". Nonetheless,
cussin' is an art-form, and when used adeptly, can really invigorate an
otherwise boring conversation. Often, a good way to introduced yourself to
a fellow co-worker is by starting a spontaneous verbal exchange with
something like "Hey, dickhead..." You're sure to get his or her undivided
attention in a minimum of time.
Btw, just to leave no doubt about the main subject extant, Flash is good
when it is done right and used where it is appropriate to do so.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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