Posted by rf on 08/22/07 08:34
"Sanders Kaufman" <bucky@kaufman.net> wrote in message
> rf wrote:
>> You miss the point entirely.
>> Last time I visited a web site that caused my lights to flash it was
>> written by someone who had decided to realize a "chat" page by firing off
>> a 5 kilobyte AJAX transaction every 500 milliseconds. That site would
>> have used my entire days quota of bandwidth in 10 minutes of simply
>> staring at the screen, doing nothing.
>> That is what I mean by broken. Not paranoia. Dollars.
> Yeah, I get the point entirely.
> Developers have that problem, but real users don't.
> If your job includes frequenting half-built sites by amateurs or
> net-abusers, you're *certainly* going to have to disable many critical
> browser features and implement other paranoia measures.
The web site I visited was served up for critique in alt.html.critique. I
was helping out, as one usually does in newsgroups. Just like those who
answered your trivial question over in CIWAS, where you are having a hard
time justifying your conclusion, in the face of three negative answers to
that conclusion, two of them very negative. Hint, they were negative for a
very good reason.
You will also have a hard time justifying your so-called "beacon" rubbish.
Take it over to alt.html or AWW and you will be laughed out of the group.
Listen to the people in the newsgroups who have far more experience at this
sort of thing than you do (and I don't neccessarily include myself in that
elite group, I am still learning as well however I _do_ know exactly how to
best realize a three column CSS layout).
Or, alternatively, be a dipstick! :-)
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