Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 08/23/07 08:31
On Aug 20, 1:33 am, "Steve" <no....@example.com> wrote:
> "R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah" <ng4rrjanb...@rediffmail.com> wrote in messagenews:1187511404.111954.150590@x40g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
> | On Aug 19, 3:20 am, "Steve" <no....@example.com> wrote:
> | > here's a straight-forward method to begin with. any other issues raised
> can
> | > be answered easily with a little investigation and modification to this
> | > general approach. the best you can do is find the issuing isp. most of
> the
> | > time, the user of the ip is very near the issuer.
> | <snip>
> | > $href = 'http://ws.arin.net'. $uri[1];
> | <snip>
> |
> | ws.arin.net host won't return whois info for all IP blocks. See my
> | post above.
> i realize that, however there are others you can query. that's not a big
> deal. what i've shown is a means to query arin.net. you can create an
> interface class and implementors for each ns server. a master isp class
> would simply create an instance of each ns server you'd like to query until
> it gets a hit from one.
> i believe, as far as your other post goes, that this would be exactly the
> steps described in the last link you gave...1 through 6. your post was less
> than useful imho since it only talks about doing it. i gave a class that
> works with arin.net that is simple and easily modifiable to work with other
> isps...you'd simply change the name of the class and the labels you'd need
> to parse for that particular ns server in order to get the values.
Web scraping method is not the right option for whois, as they might
remove the web interface anytime.
I think the right option is to use whois commandline utility or to
use RWhois protocol <http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.php/msg/
Any whois servers won't allow you to do many requests; if want to
query so many requests, better to get the bulk DB from them after some
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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