Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/23/07 15:44
Steve wrote:
> "David McKenzie" <davidm@cia.com.au> wrote in message
> news:fajbu9$jr9$1@news-01.bur.connect.com.au...
> | Bombay Peggy wrote:
> | > can anyone recommend a good freeware PHP editor?
> | >
> | > (tried PSPad, Crimson, NoteTab)
> | >
> | > thanks for any reviews
> | >
> | >
> | vi or vim
> ewwwww!
> my favorite is crimson editor. i like being able to vertically edit in order
> to format blocks of code at one time. i just wish it folded code.
> why anyone would use vi (especially on a window's pc) is beyond me. too many
> codes to remember just to do simple things and maneuvering through a
> document is a pain in the ass.
> if your source is on a *nix system, i'd use winscp to pull the file to your
> local machine. it watches for changes to your file...so, when you change
> something and save the changes, winscp updates the server immediately with
> those changes. that's regardless of the editor you're using.
I used to think vi was pretty hard. Then I had to start using it on a
unix system. I got used to the codes, and can do what I want in it.
But I've also seen vi experts who can edit code very quickly - much
faster than someone using a mouse. They can get to the text they want
faster from the keyboard than anyone using a mouse can. I'm nowhere
near that, and still prefer a graphics editor (I use Crimson, also).
But there is a lot to say for non-graphic editors.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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