Posted by Daniel on 08/24/07 12:17
On Aug 24, 4:17 am, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> Daniel wrote:
> > a file that the user can click on so that the event is added to their
> > Outlook calendar. Is there a standard format for such a file or name
> > for this?
> Yes, it's called iCalendar.
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> [Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
> [OS: Linux 2.6.12-12mdksmp, up 64 days, 11:56.]
> TrivialEncoder/0.2
> http://tobyinkster.co.uk/blog/2007/08/19/trivial-encoder/
It took a while but I finally found a great article that covers
exactly this. It create a file that the user clicks on and then get
sent to their calendar. If interested you can see it at
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