Posted by Andy Hassall on 08/27/07 19:38
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 19:23:57 -0000, Reporter <TruckSafety@gmail.com> wrote:
>According to the PHP Manual,
>"If you would like to install the mysql extension along with the
>mysqli extension you have to use the same client library to avoid any
>I find this confusing because I have two dll libraries installed on my
>Windows XAMP system:
>(1) php_mysql.dll
>(2) php_mysqli.dll
>I seem to be able to use functions from both of these libraries, so I
>am confused as to what the PHP manual is saying.
They're the _extension DLLs_. The _client DLL_ is libmysql.dll, which will be
loaded by both.
On Windows it's basically a non-issue, since both will load the same
libmysql.dll (it would take some runtime fiddling with PATH or explict paths
compiled in to get one extension to load a different libmysql to the other).
On UNIX it may well be possible to statically link one extension against a
different MySQL client to the other, or even have both dynamically load
different ones - you'd still have to deliberately mess it up, but it's more
possible, hence the warning.
Andy Hassall :: andy@andyh.co.uk :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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