Posted by gosha bine on 08/28/07 08:03
On 28.08.2007 09:07 Fabio wrote:
> Hi,
> Each OS has its new line chars:
well, this is not completely true. Rather, every program, especially
browser, can have its own new line conventions.
> unix = \n
> mac = \r
this is not correct either. New versions of macOS use "\n", like other
unix-based systems.
> windows = \r\n
> Can I get the used one on the OS where php is running?
Why do you think you need this?
> I see that exists a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR for the OS path ("/" or "\"), does
> not exists something like a "LINE_SEPARATOR"? :)
> Thanks
gosha bine
makrell ~ http://www.tagarga.com/blok/makrell
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