Posted by Adrienne on 07/19/05 01:12
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Carl Gilbert"
<mr_carl_gilbert@hotmail.com> writing in
> Hi
> I wish to change the color of a cell border when the mouse passes over
> the cell.
> The code I currently have for the cell is as follows:
> <TD height="76" width="328" style="border-color: black;
> border-style:
> solid; border-width: 4;"> </TD>
> I am using ASP.NET and VB.NET if that makes thing easier and I would
> prefer not to use CSS.
> Can anyone suggest a method to change the border color?
> Regards, Carl Gilbert
ASP and ASP.Net know nothing of a mouse passing over anything. That's
client side, and for IE, which only honors hover on the A element, you
would have to use javascript to accomplish this.
What to do you have against CSS? CSS makes things _much_ easier, for
<% while not rs.EOF
c = c + 1
if mod c 2 = 0 then
trcolor = colora
trcolor = colorb
end if
<tr class="<%=trcolor%>">
<% rs.Movenext
set rs = nothing
Now colora and colorb could be defined in an external stylesheet:
..colora {background-color:#000; color:#fff;}
..colorb {background-color:#fff; color:#000;}
If you decide to change the colors or attributes of that class later, it's
only a matter of changing the stylesheet, not the document.
Adrienne Boswell
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