Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 08/29/07 13:45
Scripsit msaladin:
> I'd like to create a very small menu (when collapsed), but when you
> click on it, the OPTION entries should have a wide enough size to show
> everything.
It's a much better idea to make all the alternatives visible immediately.
> Actually, it should look like this:
> --------- ------- --------------------------
> Textbox - - ... - - Another textbox -
> --------- ------- --------------------------
> - Option 1 Should be longer than -
> - Option 2 Should be longer .... -
> ----------------------------------
That does not explain much. Why don't you post the URL of the current page,
for a starter? Surely you have created a working, tested page before
considering optional presentational nuances, haven't you?
> I can do this in firefox when I set the CSS width-attribute for the
> SELECT tag, but not for the OPTION tag. Firefox correctly creates a
> small SELECT-BOX, and when you click on it, you see the long OPTION
> entries in the expanded field. IEXPLORER does recognize the width-
> attribute for the SELECT box, but then inherits the width to all the
> OPTION tags below, therefore the OPTIONS are truncated.
That does not explain much.
> The above
> SELECT box should just help the users to enter something in the
> textfield (e.g. when the user selects an item from the SELECT box, the
> value is inserted in the textfield on the left of the SELECT box).
You're playing with scripting, aren't you? But you are not explaining what
you are really doing.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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