Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 08/29/07 18:41
Steve wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> | I think Sanders is just being honest when he says he's in the dark about
> | it. I think most programmers are.
> well, it's painfully obvious he doesn't. however, those other 'most'
> programmers don't put down anything they know
In my experience, and I speak FOR myself as well, most engineering types
are HIGHLY critical of things they don't understand.
It's a side-effect of keeping yourself informed. If you're a smart
engineer, and you've kept your skills sharp, and then some businessman
comes along and tells you that "waterfall" or "extreme" or "agile" is
THE best way for you to work - you'd be a fool not to be critical.
Especially if, like so many of us here, you're an individual contributor.
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