Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/20/05 02:00
freesoft_2000 wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to add pictures and so far everthing has
> been going well but i have a question. When i insert the pictures they
> show up and i am able to save the entire html document to disk in html
> format.
> The thing is when i delete the picture on the disk and
> open the html document the picture does not show up but if the picture is
> not deleted from the disk then when i open the html document the picture
> shows up.
> Basically what i need to know if there is a way in
> which i can embed a picture into the html document without any reliance on
> the picture that is saved on a different location on the disk.
> Basically my question is that is it possible to
> implement something like that in which that the picture is embedded in the
> html and it does not matter if the picture is deleted or not from the disk
> thus even when the html document is opened the embedded picture is still
> there.
> This is code that i am using to insert the picture
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <p>
> <img height="400" width="400" src="file:/D:/Sample_Pics/venu.jpg">
> </p>
> </body>
> </html>
> See the reliance on the picture picture always being on that location on
> the disk on this line
> src="file:/D:/Sample_Pics/venu.jpg"
> Is there a way to achieve what i need by simple ways or style sheets or
> any other way??
> Any help is greatly appreciated
> Thank You
> Yours Sincerely
> Richard West
I am not sure what you are asking, but I think you misunderstand what an
HTML document is. When you embed and image in HTML document the image
code does not actually get put into the document like a Word document.
An HTML document is like a script for a play saying 'you stand over
there' and 'you be 12 pixels high' so when you put an image in a webpage
all the HTML document does is say 'the image named *somePix.jpg* located
in *someFolder*, you go here in on the page and format this way'. If
you delete the image the script will still be direction that the image
be there, just the *actor* (ie, the image) will be missing..... You have
to change the script if you want to remove the image.
Take care,
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