Posted by Captain Paralytic on 08/30/07 10:26
On 30 Aug, 10:55, goodm...@fiduciairedefrance.com wrote:
> Paris,
> Le 30 08 MMVII,
> Hi,
> I have a problem to connect to MYSQL from one server to another
> server.
> In other words, On server A, I have my PHP files, and on server B, I
> have MySQL installed.
> Localhost is fine, but an I.P. as a host lead to an error : Warning:
> mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on '207
> Here is what I got :
> $dbtype = "mysql"; ##Defines Database type
> $dbhost = ""; ##Your host
> $dbuname = "maincontheaderbox"; ##Database Name
> $dbpasswd = "bobyken"; ##Database Password
> $dbase = "z_extras";
> maincontheaderbox is the root user getting all previleges.
> Comment : I mentioned PORT 3306. Not sure at all of that port (from
> OVH french.hosting services)
> 2) my.cnf MYSQL
> I ensured that my.cnf does not forbid outside mysql connections.
> skip-networking.http://guides.ovh.com/ConnexionDistanteMySQL
> 3) Doc
> -http://forum.ovh.com/archive/index.php/t-5716.html
> -http://fr.php.net/mysql_connect
> http://drupal.org/node/55108
> $db_url = 'mysql://My_Account_Name(A)_username:password@localhost/
> My_Account_Name(A)_databaseName';
> Many thanks for your help from your knowledge and experience.
> Bob
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