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Re: PHP and .NET

Posted by Herb Martin on 08/30/07 21:47

"Sheldon Glickler" <> wrote in message
> "Herb Martin" <> wrote in message
> news:46d4b2ca$0$32494$
>> "Sheldon Glickler" <> wrote in message
>>> Before I begin let me thank the many people in this group who have
>>> helped me over the last few years. It has been greatly appreciated.
>>> For the last several years I have been coding all server code in php. I
>>> love the language. However, I live in an area (in the midlle of a
>>> triangle formed by Orlando, Tampa and Gainesville) that seems to have
>>> companies that use .NET and asp. I have done no work in these, so I
>>> have to learn them quickly so that I can get a job/contract.
>>> I have found a great site called, and am looking there
>>> to study aspx (asp with .net). I have even installed IIS on my machine
>>> so that I can proceed. I still use Dreamweaver as my editor/syntax
>>> indicator.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to proceed, great
>>> tutorials other than this one, and a news group for aspx that is as good
>>> as this one is for php?
>> Keep using the groups you know and love for PHP but also consider
>> subscribing to the usenet groups on .Net and ASP etc but also (probably
>> better) the freely available Microsoft newsgroups.
>> Microsoft has a newsgroup on practically ever one of their products and
>> dozens on each major subsystem for the large products like Windows Server
>> (AD, DNS, Routing, etc are all separate newsgroups) or even for Exchange
>> and SQL server.
>> You will find not only general groups on IIS but also specific groups on
>> ASP
>> and .Net programming, security, etc.
>> nttp://
>> (No password, no user name required to read OR post.)
>> You can of course use Google Groups to search the archives of this as
>> well.
>> On the Microsoft groups you will notice that some people have the "title"
>> MVP (Most Valued Professional) and while this doesn't guarantee correct
>> answers is DOES mean that the person has answered a LOT of questions and
>> that others have generally found those answers to be useful and
>> respectful.
>> These groups are (slightly) moderated to remove offensive language or
>> spam posts (but not criticisms of MS or it's stuff if they are on topic)
>> so they
>> are not very noise like some usenet groups.
>> The general tone is also very much HELPFUL when someone asks a dumb
>> or FAQ question; generally you will get a suggestion on how to find the
>> answer
>> yourself NEXT TIME and the actual answer -- all done politely and with
>> respect for "noobies" and newcomers.
>> The answers tend to be excellent in most of these groups and are perhaps
>> the
>> single best "unknown" resource for managing, learning, and developing
>> on Microsoft system.s
> I searched the news groups and didn't find what I want, but I didn't try
> the microsoft groups. I will

In general the Microsoft groups are well worth the effort and attention to
see what is there. (I keep 15-25 of them subscribed on the Microsoft
server, about 2/3 all the time and the other third rotating according to my
current interests.)

>. So far I have downloaded the free web designer express beta (and also
>the VB and C#). I started playing with it and it seems that my php
>knowledge will be helpful in understanding.

Learning C# just to supplement your PHP is a BIG chunk (not that you
cannot do it but it isn't going to happen overnight even if you already
program in a dozen languages, unless one of THOSE is C++.)

Going the other way is MUCH easier (from C++/C# to PHP -- I hope

VB is a smaller chunk but you really need to consider how much functionality
you will give up by just using PHP without .NET etc.

Using .Net isn't bad, but it's another, usually separate, strategy.

> It doesn't look all that hard and it has some nice controls (such as the
> grid control for database results and a calendar control.

And maybe you need those badly enough and cannot get them from straight
PHP, but maybe not.

> The big problems I have come across so far are that I cannot see how to
> connect to a MySQL database (I need SQLServer or Oracle of even Access)

This MAY be a weakness of the MICROSOFT .Net groups as the people
there will not TEND to be using MySql as much as SQL Server or Access,
but they will have ODBC experience galore if you connect through the
ODBC database drivers etc.

> and my server doesn't seem to understand the aspx controls. This last one
> I should be able to resolve by a call the GoDaddy.

I have not understanding of your actual problem or what GoDaddy would have
to do with it.

Herb Martin, MCSE, MVP
http://www.LearnQuick.Com (phone on web site)

If you use LinkedIn then tell me where you know me from when linking:



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