Posted by Shelly on 08/30/07 23:23
"Sanders Kaufman" <bucky@kaufman.net> wrote in message
> Shelly wrote:
>> "r" <Remember.Objective@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> Move. Something seems very wrong here, PHP is supposed to be
>>> undercutting these technologies. Are the people of the town acting
>>> strangely in any way? Does there seem to be less emotional expression
>>> that you've noticed. At nighttime, are there large groups of them
>>> screaming and running?
>> I live in the middle of a big triangle of Orlando, Tampa and Gainesville.
>> It is almost ALL .net.
> Wow - the one place that's even *more* republican than Texas.
> God help you.
Tell me about it! I lived in Massachusetts for 37 uears. I was billing the
customers for 55 hours a week. 50 weeks a year from 1990 until 2000 when the
Bush depression hit that area. I was doing application development throught
the temp agencies for 6-18 month assignments. Then, for the first time in
my life I was out of work for 17 of the next 26 months. I finally took a
job in southeast Florida teaching high school math for 1/3 what I had been
making. I also picked up PHP and web development on the side (self-taught,
as with everything else). Now I live here in a fantastic place called The
Villages (www.thevillages.com). However, there is no work here for me, so
I have to learn new skills (just as I did many times before). The one
immutable fact is that I will not move from here -- even though I am a
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