Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 08/31/07 01:44
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Shelly wrote:
>> Tell me about it! I lived in Massachusetts for 37 uears. I was
>> billing the customers for 55 hours a week. 50 weeks a year from 1990
>> until 2000 when the Bush depression hit that area.
> Sounds like a democrat. Billing 55 hours even though you only work 20 :-)
That's a very pre-9/11 perspective on a post-9/11 world. You must be a
TODAY, Republican "civilian contractors" and "non-governmental
organizations" are the ones scamming taxpayer dollars. And they're
doing a *far* better job of it than any Democrat, Libertarian or
Socialist ever *dreamed*.
> Gee, I haven't had a problem like this at all. In fact, I'm turning
> away work.
It's a morality thing. If you're a pornographer, religious zealot,
white separatist, gun-runner or drug-dealer - the Bush Economy *rocks*.
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