Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 08/31/07 02:01
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>> That's a very pre-9/11 perspective on a post-9/11 world. You must be
>> a Republican/Libertarian.
>> TODAY, Republican "civilian contractors" and "non-governmental
>> organizations" are the ones scamming taxpayer dollars. And they're
>> doing a *far* better job of it than any Democrat, Libertarian or
>> Socialist ever *dreamed*.
> And the socialistic democrats are giving my hard earned money away to
> anyone who wants it.
That's a very 19th century perspective of the 21st century world.
> The best thing that happened since the fall of the Soviet Empire was
> Bush's tax cuts. They put money in my pocket - and the pockets of those
> around me. And that helped the economy grow.
That's a very short-sighted perspective of a very long-term situation.
It was a loan, not a paycheck. The debt must still be paid.
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